手机商店下载安装_公司网站域名备案流程_江苏建总控股集团有限公司_辽宁手机版建站系统信息 Abstract

In the information society, there is a need for targeted information acquisition channels, but the expansion of these channels is basically the direction that people are striving for. Due to the deviation in their perspective, people often have access to different types of information, which is also the most difficult problem for technology to overcome. Research and analyze "Harbin" tourism in response to issues such as the "Harbin" tourism website, and then develop and design a "Harbin" tourism website to solve the problem.

The main functional modules of the "Harbin" tourism website include system users, itinerary recommendation management, entering Harbin management, food type management, food recommendation management, hotel type management, hotel recommendation management, scenic spot recommendation management, leisure shopping management, system management, travel tips management, resource management, communication management, and adopting an object-oriented development model for software development and hardware installation, It can well meet the practical needs of use, improve the corresponding software installation and program coding work, adopt MySQL as the main storage unit for backend data, use PHP technology and Ajax technology for business system coding and development, and achieve all functions of this system. This report first analyzes the background, role, and significance of the research, laying the foundation for the rationality of the research work. An analysis was conducted on the various requirements and technical issues of the "Harbin" tourism website, demonstrating the necessity and feasibility of the system. Then, a basic introduction was made to the technical software and design phpstorms required for designing the system. Finally, the "Harbin" tourism website was implemented and deployed for operation.

Keywords: Tourism websites; PHP; Level; MySQL









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